Yet, over the last year, I have felt the pull to try my hand at writing creatively. To stretch my brain and do something that may be uncomfortable and hard at times. Several friends have talked about creating a writing group that can support one another. To set goals and to work towards those goals. A couple of the members have manuscripts that they are preparing for query. Others, like me, have not even fleshed out a true chapter.
Of course when you decide to do something it seems like writing challenges pop up all over the place. Karen Mahoney, a YA author, started a Summer Reading Challenge which you can read about here. I signed up for it knowing that in June I would get little writing in and would have to play catch up in July and August. Then, on Judith Graves' posting on GoodReads about a 1K a day challenge. The lovely ladies over at YA Edge are hosting a 1K a day challenge for the month of July. You can sign-up here I encouraged a couple of my other friends to join me. Breaking the writing task into 1,000 words seems much more do-able. However, I don't think writing my blog counts towards my 1,ooo words. So, I am heading off to - yes, write.
I do have one quick announcement - In the next day or two, I am going to kick-off my summer book contests. I will be giving one book a way per week for the month of July in celebration of summer reading.
Happy reading or writing,